Friday, December 5, 2008

Alexander The Great Serie 1.4

The Procession of Alexander the Great.
This wallpaper depicts the triumphal Procession of Alexander the Great. The four-horse chariot is being driven by the goddess Nike (Winged Victory) while Alexander looks on. The four horse chariot also connects Alexander symbolically with the Sun God Helios, whom Alexander was sometimes depicted as.
Download Free Wallpapers with Macedonian motives:
Alexander The Great, King of Macedonia (800x600)
(1024x768), (1152x864), (1600x1200)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Antique Macedonian Shields Serie 1.1

Alexander the Great was the first Macedonian King to put the Macedonian shield on his coins.
Macedonian shield as a symbol become a real Macedonian coat of arms.
The real Macedonian shield had been made of wood, leather and metal.
First of all this shield had a defensive function: To protect the warrior from the hard hits by the enemies swords.
Download Free Wallpapers with Macedonian motives:
Ancient Macedonian Bronze Shield (800x600)